612-961-6730 or service@dffb.com


On-site computer repair and more...

Your source for computer repair, laptop repair, network administration, virus/spyware removal...more

Servicing the following areas...

Service areas: Lakeville, Farmington, Burnsville, Bloomington, Savage, Prior Lake and surrounding Communities.  Call to see if we service your area.

Computer Problems...

Spyware and virus issues can be a tricky business to remove completely from your system.  Let the Pros take care of it...  more

Computer Repair Downloads...

Check our download section for spyware and virus removal software... more

How to ...

How do I backup my Outlook email?  What are some things I can do to optimize my system.  Look at our helpful hints... more

Take our survey...

In an effort to help us better serve our customers, please take the following survey...   more

System Administration

Do you have a server, but do not have the money for a full time IT person.  We can fill this role for you, be it as a consulting position to see what path you should follow as your network grows to administration of your entire environment.  Call us to set up an appointment.

As your business grows, your network will grow along with it.  You may need to share files between employees, or need to allow multiple people to access a program.  You may have questions about backing up data in case of disaster or how to allow only certain people to have access to files you have on your network.  These are just some of the things that a systems administrator could take care of for you.   Having a full time IT person on staff is not something that can always happen for a small business, yet, to have an existing employee take over this role while doing their normal job takes away from their productivity.  Doll Computer Services can take over this role for you.

© 2003 Doll Computer Services  612-961-6730 info@dffb.com