612-961-6730 or service@dffb.com


On-site computer repair and more...

Your source for computer repair, laptop repair, network administration, virus/spyware removal...more

Servicing the following areas...

Service areas: Lakeville, Farmington, Burnsville, Bloomington, Savage, Prior Lake and surrounding Communities.  Call to see if we service your area.

Computer Problems...

Spyware and virus issues can be a tricky business to remove completely from your system.  Let the Pros take care of it...  more

Computer Repair Downloads...

Check our download section for spyware and virus removal software... more

How to ...

How do I backup my Outlook email?  What are some things I can do to optimize my system.  Look at our helpful hints... more

Take our survey...

In an effort to help us better serve our customers, please take the following survey...   more

About Us

Since 1999, Doll Computer Services has been providing on-site services to small business and residential locations.  Working out of Lakeville, MN, we service the southern Twin Cities metro area.  Although the company was started in 1999, Doll Computer Services has over 16 years of experience in the computer industry and has experience in most facets of Information Technology.  From hardware and software repair to network planning to systems administration, Doll Computer Services can provide you with the support you need.

With service training from IBM, to being a Microsoft Certified Professional, to working in corporate America, we at Doll Computer Services can provide you with a wide range of services to fit your needs.  All of our service representatives are A+ certified and Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers.


© 2003 Doll Computer Services  612-961-6730 info@dffb.com